
If you want to modify fields managed by the editor (e.g. headline or body_html), with a macro for instance, you need to use the EditorContent class which is an abstraction used to manipulate the content. This is needed because since Editor 3, the HTML is managed from internal representation of data. This page explains how to modify it.

Replace text

In order to replace 'old' text with 'new', you can use text_replace helper:

import superdesk.editor_utils as editor_utils

editor_utils.text_replace(item, 'body_html', 'old', 'new')
editor_utils.text_replace(item, 'headline', 'old', 'new', is_html=False)

Blocks filter

If you need to remove some blocks from content (paragraphs, tables, etc.) you can use filter_blocks() method:

import superdesk.editor_utils as editor_utils

def atomic_filter(block):
    return block.type != 'ATOMIC'

editor_utils.filter_blocks(item, 'body_html', atomic_filter)

This would remove all atomic blocks from body_html field.

Other changes

If you need to make some unsupported change, you can modify the state directly. You first need to create an instance of editor_content. The following example show how to add an embedded code at the top of the body:

from superdesk.editor_utils import EditorContent

def some_method_getting_an_item(item):
    body_editor = EditorContent.create(item, 'body_html')
    body_editor.prepend('embed', '<p class="some_class">some embedded HTML to

Rendering customisation

Sometimes, you may want to modify the behavior of the renderer.


Embeds can be modified before being rendered. For that, the EMBED_PRE_PROCESS setting can be used. It is an iterable linking to callable. Each callable will get the data dict where the html key contains the raw HTML, so it can modify it.