Authentication Server ===================== Superdesk provides an OAuth2 authentication server for the `production API`_. The server is using the `Client Credentials Grant`_ with JWT access token. The endpoint used in Superdesk is ``/api/auth_server/token``. .. _Client Credentials Grant: .. _production API: production_api.html Overview -------- Here is the sequence of the authentication, which must entirely be done in HTTPS: .. uml:: title Authentication server flow in Superdesk (for third party clients) boundary client control "authentication server" as auth_server boundary "resource server\n(//Production API//)" as res_server client -> auth_server: request token note right using **client credentials** grant and **HTTP Basic Authentication** end note alt success client <- auth_server : **JWT** access token note right JWT payload contains the **client id**, the **expiration date**, and the **scope** end note loop client -> res_server: request with access token res_server -> res_server: validate **JWT** token signature, \nclient_id, expiration date and scope alt valid token client <- res_server: request answer else invalid token (bad signature, expired token) client <- res_server: HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) error else invalid scope client <- res_server: HTTP 403 (Forbidden) error end end else failure auth_server -> client: HTTP error\n(400 or something else) note right a //JSON// payload with ""error"" key should be present, the value being an explanation of the issue end note end Settings -------- The variables explained in the table below can be set, either as environment variable or in ````. Please note that for ``AUTH_SERVER_SHARED_SECRET`` we recommend to use environment variable instead of settings to limit attack surface if a malicious user gains access to your settings. ============================ ======================================================== name explanation ============================ ======================================================== AUTH_SERVER_EXPIRATION_DELAY delay in seconds when the access token is valid, after this delay, a new token is needed. Default to 86400 (1 day) AUTH_SERVER_SHARED_SECRET a secret shared with resource server to sign/validate the access token. We recommend to set this value using environment variable. ============================ ======================================================== Allowing a client ----------------- A client needs to be registered with Superdesk authentication server. You need to specify a *client id*, a *password* and the *scopes* allowed (see below). This is done using ``python auth_server:register_client``, please check the appropriate documentation in :ref:`cli` section. Scope ----- To interact with the production API, clients need to be explicitly allowed to perform actions. This is done using the ``--scope`` argument when registering the client. The possible values are: ================ ====================================================== permission explanation ================ ====================================================== ARCHIVE_READ The client can read items from archive collection DESKS_READ The client can get desks metadata PLANNING_READ The client can retrieve planning items CONTACTS_READ The client can get contacts metadata USERS_READ The client can retrieve users ASSIGNMENTS_READ The client can retrieve assignments EVENTS_READ The client can retrieve events ================ ====================================================== Access token ------------ If client is allowed, an access token is generated and can be used to access the desired resources. The token is a `JSON Web Token`_ (JWT), which is signed, allowing the resource server to verify it. The payload of the token will contain the following keys: ========= ==================================================================== key explanation ========= ==================================================================== client_id id of the allowed client iss principal that issued the JWT, it's always ``Superdesk Auth Server`` iat time when the JWT was issued (Unix time) exp expiration time (Unix time) scope list of allowed scopes (see above) ========= ==================================================================== .. _JSON Web Token: Security -------- **All the traffic must be encrypted using HTTPS**. The initial request is done by the client using `HTTP Basic Authentication`_, meaning the password is going on the wire. A salted hash of the client *password* is stored in superdesk, along with *client id* and *scope*. The JWT access token is not stored, it is only validated by resource server by checking its signature. The authorisation server and the resource server share a secret to sign and validate the JWT Token. We recommend to use an environment variable instead of `` to set this secret (the name of the variable is ``AUTH_SERVER_SHARED_SECRET``). .. _HTTP Basic Authentication: Testing ------- By default, unsecured HTTP requests will be rejected. If you want to test authorisation server with a local instance without HTTPS, you may set the ``AUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT`` environment variable in the shell where server is started:: $ export AUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT=1 This is only for testing/development, **do NOT do that in production**. To test locally a client token request, you can use curl: .. code:: sh #!/bin/sh CLIENT_ID=0102030405060708090a0b0c CLIENT_SECRET=789101112 URL= curl -u ${CLIENT_ID}:${CLIENT_SECRET} -XPOST ${URL} -F grant_type=client_credentials You can check Authlib_ documentation for more informations. .. _Authlib: CLI --- You can manage tokens using Superdesk's CLI. Check ``auth_server:*`` commands at :ref:`cli` for details.