Content Profiles ================ Content profiles let you change the way how your content should be edited and what validation rules should apply. Definition ---------- You can specify custom profiles in ``server/data/content_types.json`` file. Then you can sync it with database using cli command:: python app:initialize_data --entity-name content_types In the file there should be list of profiles:: [ {"_id": "story", "label": "Story", "enabled": 1, ...}, {"_id": "snap", "label": "Snap", "enabled": 0, ...} ] Available fields are: ``_id`` *string* Profile id, its value will be set in ``item.profile`` field and will be available in output. ``label`` *string* Label visible in the client. ``description`` *string* Optional profile description. ``priority`` *int* Used for sorting in descending order. ``enabled`` *boolean* Flag if profile is enabled (visible in lists) or not. ``schema`` *dict* Schema configuration for profile. There you can define validation rules for :ref:`schema` fields:: "schema": { "headline": { "type": "string", "required": true, "maxlength": 120, }, "keywords": { "type": "list", "required": true, "allowed": ["sport", "news"] } } Keys are field names, and for each field you can specify: ``type`` *string* One of ``string``, ``list``, ``dict``, ``integer``, ``number``. ``required`` *boolean* If ``true``, field must be there and be non empty. ``minlength``, ``maxlength`` *int* Minimum and maximum length allowed for ``string`` type. ``allowed`` *list* List of allowed values for ``string`` or ``list`` type. ``schema`` *dict* Validation rules for ``dict`` type items. ``nullable`` *boolean* If `True` the value can be set to ``null``. ``regex`` *string* Regex validation rule, eg.:: "regex": "[a-z]+" ``editor`` *dict* Editor configuration for profile, there you can set what fields will be visible and how these should be displayed:: "editor": { "headline": { "order": 1, "sdWidth": "full", "enabled": true }, "body_html": { "order": 5, "formatOptions": ["h2", "bold", "italic"], "enabled": true }, "ednote": { "enabled": false } } Rules for fields are: ``order`` *int* Where the field is visible in the editor. ``sdWidth`` *string* One of ``full``, ``half`` and ``quarter``. Fields are floating so there can be more on the same line as long as they fit there. ``enabled`` *boolean* If ``false`` field won't be visible in the editor. ``formatOptions`` *list* What format options should be available, only works with ``body_html`` and ``abstract`` fields. For each there will be a button visible in the editor toolbar. ``h2`` ``bold`` ``italic`` ``underline`` ``quote`` ``anchor`` ``embed`` ``picture`` ``removeFormat`` Available schema fields ----------------------- These are fields you can use in your content profile: .. autoclass:: apps.content_types.content_types.DefaultSchema :members: Plain text profile ------------------ Before there are any content profiles defined for a desk there is one called *Plain text*. Package profiles ---------------- Package profiles are not yet supported.